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Saturday 26 February 2022

New life in our village

INGRID VAN DEN BERG writes: The two of us at Unit 34 are serious sufferers of the empty-nest-syndrome. It all started on the 10th of January while we were having our tea on the stoep. I noticed a bulbul lingering above one of the hanging baskets. ‘It’s stealing our coconut fibre’ I thought and wondered whether it was collecting nesting material. Then it was gone again. The next minute it came back with some stuff in its beak. By lunchtime the nest was taking shape and two days later it was complete – thin little twiglets cleverly woven in a perfect little cup. Every time she added something, she would wiggle her little body to test its shape and every time the male would keenly watch from nearby.

Bulbuls are not usually aggressive by nature unless its breeding time. The nesting activity attracted babblers who came to investigate but were immediately dive-bombed by the male. He even attacked the go-away birds that came to the feeding tray regardless of their bigger size. When we dared come too close to the nest, he did the same to us.

On the fifth day the first egg was laid and a day later the second one. The female did all the breeding while the male kept watch and occasionally brought her something to eat. The female did leave the nest for short periods, but her dedication to keep the eggs warm was amazing.

Then on day 20 the chicks appeared. Both parents now participated in feeding the brood and the rate of growth was astonishing. Initially the eyes of the nestlings were closed, and it took seven days before they eventually opened. We marvelled at their quick development but never expected them to leave the nest so soon. Four weeks from the day their mother started building the nest until they fledged. What a miracle!

Now we miss them while sitting on the stoep and wishing them back.

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