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Welcome to the blog of the Warmbad Renaissance Retirement Village, Bela-Bela

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Saturday 30 October 2021

Chairman's message - November 2021

Wessie van der Westhuizen, Chairman of our Management Committee

In his November message to our residents, the Chairman of the Management Committee, WESSIE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, writes: We were recently blessed with early spring showers and are looking forward to a good rain season. This is also the time to select a new Management Committee.

I would like to express my thanks to all the members who served with me on the Management Committee of 2021. Your help and support cannot be expressed in monetary terms; you are too valuable. The devotion with which you dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic and the ups and downs in our village, was a source of comfort to me. Also, it would be remiss of me not to mention the support and assistance showed among residents. Thank you for your help.

Ons is ook maar net mense en kon nie aan almal se versoeke uitvoering gee soos julle verwag het nie. Die verkleinde bestuurskomitee was vir ons ook `n nuwigheid. Elke persoon het sy of haar eie persepsie van hoe sake hanteer moet word in vergelyking met hoe dit in die verlede gedoen is. Een probleem wat nou duidelik na vore getree het, is die kommunikasieproses. Baie inwoners het hulself aan die WhatsApp-boodskapstelsel onttrek en het gevolglik belangrike boodskappe nie ontvang nie. Sodoende het ʼn aantal beplande aktiwiteite skipbreuk gely.

We hope to put a number of new plans to you at the Annual General Meeting. This should provide the opportunity of  creating memories with your fiends, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Please attend this meeting and have your say.

Tans weet ons nog nie wie almal in die nuwe bestuurskomitee sal dien nie. Wie egter ookal verkies word, het u ondersteuning broodnodig.

Friday 29 October 2021

Ons verwelkom Sarel en Lenie Steenkamp

 Sarel (82) en Lenie (77) Steenkamp het hulle verblyf in ons oord aan hul kinders te danke. Hulle het gesê dat hulle, as ʼn blyk van waardering, graag vir hulle ʼn wooneenheid in ʼn aftreeoord óf by die see óf in die binneland wil aanskaf.

Die egpaar het die binneland verkies en nadat hulle etlike plaaslike oorde oorweeg het, het hulle besluit dat Warmbad Renaissance aan die meeste van hul behoeftes voldoen. Die oord is bekostigbaar, hul eenheid is gerieflik, hulle voel veilig en die inwoners is vriendelik en hulpvaardig.

Sarel is in Eldoret, Kenia, gebore en getoë. In 1956 het hy aan die Prince of Wales High School, Nairobi, gematrikuleer. In 1961 het hy en sy gesin na Pretoria verhuis waar hy hom as ʼn dieselwerktuigkundige bekwaam het. Mettertyd het hy die sakewêreld betree en het verskeie bandeondernemings in Witrivier en Hazyview bedryf voordat hy in 2006 afgetree het.

Lenie is op Crecy gebore waar sy haar vroeë kinderjare deurgebring het. Met verloop van tyd het sy en haar gesin na Fouriesburg en nóg later, na Bethlehem verhuis. In 1961 het sy aan die Hoër Handelskool Bethlehem gematrikuleer. Ná skool het sy sekretariële werk gedoen totdat sy en Sarel in 1963 getroud is. Hierna volg ma-skap en werk sy as ʼn boekhouer in haar en Sarel se sakeondernemings.

Sarel en Lenie het drie kinders grootgemaak wat aan hulle vyf kleinkinders en 2 agterkleinkinders besorg het.

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Ons verwelkom Nico Potgieter


Nadat hy ʼn traumatiese huisbraak in sy vorige woonplek in Pretoria beleef het, het Nico Potgieter (61) besluit om maar liewer sy heil op die platteland te soek waar die leefstyl meer ontspanne en eiedom meer bekostigbaar is.

Hy het ʼn internetsoektog van stapel gestuur, verskeie aftreeopsies oorweeg en besluit om E42 aan te skaf. Terloops, ons is in ons noppies om te berig dat ons oord se webwerf  weer eens die oplossing verskaf het aan ʼn persoon wat ʼn aftreeplekkie op die platteland soek.

Nico is in Windhoek gebore en getoë. Later het hy saam met sy ouers na Johannesburg verhuis waar hy in 1978 aan die Hoërskool Florida gematrikuleer het. Nadat hy militêre diensplig verrig het, het hy in 1981 ʼn B.Com.-graad aan die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit behaal. Hy was 30 jaar lank werksaam by Fujitsu South Africa as ʼn besigheidskonsultant voordat hy in 2017 afgetree het.

Nico het twee kinders, t.w. ʼn seun wat in Pretoria en ʼn dogter wat in Saoedi-Arabië woon en werk.


Tuesday 26 October 2021

We welcome Stephanie and Paul


Stephanie Luyt (67) and Paul Smith (68) moved to U38 from their previous residence in the Sonneglans Park Retirement Village, Randburg, for family reasons. After investigating several options in Bela-Bela, they decided that our village most suited their needs. Here they feel safe, their unit meets most of their requirements, their neighbours are pleasant and the village gardens are attractive.

Stephanie was born in Wynberg and grew up in Belville. She completed her schooling at Bellville High School in 1971. Apart from taking care of her family, she was employed as a conference organiser by SANLAM for many years. She has two children and five grandchildren.

Paul was born in Somerset East and grew up in Rivonia. He completed his schooling at Hyde Park High School in 1970. Afterwards he completed his national service as a submariner at the Simon's Town Naval Base. He later entered the printing profession as a qualified hot metal compositor and, even later, represented a printing company.

Last but not least, Paul and Stephanie are keen social bowlers.


Monday 25 October 2021

Cansa rep addresses residents

A Limpopo representative of the Cancer Assosiation of South Africa (CANSA), Ansie van Heerden, recently addressed residents about various aspects in regard to cancer. The talk was arranged by the Management Committee member for Social Affairs, Rina Steynberg. Rina and Ansie appear on the photograph below.

Ansie focussed on the main purposes of CANSA, i.e. research, education and support (image below).

She also dealt with the five top cancers affecting women and men in South Africa (image below). Residents are advised to visit the CANSA website at www.cansa.org.za for detailed information

Rina is able to furnish the names and telephone numbers of local persons who are capable of providing further assistance.

Sunday 24 October 2021

Resumption of organised social activities

The Management Committee has announced the resumption of social activities in our village on the distinct understanding that the prescribed COVID-19 protocols should be followed, i.e. sanitization of hands, wearing of face masks and social distancing.

Details are as follows:

  • Social Functions: A year-end function is envisaged for 16 November 2021. In terms of current COVID-19 regulations, a maximum of 60 persons may attend the event. Further details will be made available in due course.
  • Bingo: Every Wednesday at 15:00 in the Lapa. Contact person: Gert Myburgh, tel. 082 375 6476
  • Physical exercises: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 08:00 in the Lapa. Contact person: Lettie Roode, tel. 081 279 2277
  • Handwork/needlework: Every first and third Tuesday of a month in the Lapa. Contact person: Magda van der Westhuizen, tel. 082 372 9332
  • Darts: Every Thursday at 16:30 in the Lapa. Contact person: Vossie Vos, tel. 084 548 0777
  • Library: Every Monday in room 30 of the administration building. Contact person: Hester Botes, tel. 079 025 0346
  • Snooker/pool: Every Monday at 15:00 in the Lapa. Contact person: Roedolph Botha, tel. 082 550 5560

Friday 1 October 2021

Bestuurskomiteevoorsitter se boodskap - Oktober 2021

Die Voorsitter van die Warmbad Renaissance-bestuurskomitee, WESSIE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN. skryf in sy Oktober-boodskap aan die inwoners soos volg: Ons oord is ontwerp vir selfversorgende inwoners. Dit beteken dat dienste nie voorsien kan word oorsien aan persone wat tydelik of permanent nie daartoe in staat is om na hulself om te sien nie.

Die mens is egter ʼn brose wese. Vandag is ons nog sterk en selfonderhoudend, dog môre is ons dalk tot so ʼn mate fisiek of geestelik  verswak dat ons nie daartoe in staat is om onafhanklik te woon nie; dat ons ʼn risiko, verleentheid of oorlas vir ander inwoners skep.

ʼn Kritieke situasie ontstaan dan. Hoe gemaak indien ons versorging benodig?

Een van die opsies is om by die Bestuurskomitee aansoek te doen om ʼn geregistreerde versorger in diens te neem. Nadere besonderhede in hierdie verband word in paragraaf 2 van ons gedragreëls uiteengesit.

Nóg ʼn alternatief is om na ʼn instansie soos Rusoord in Bela-Bela of Die Palms Renaissance-aftreeoord in Pretoria te verhuis. Beide is toegerus om verswakte persone te versorg, insluitend pasiënte wat aan alzheimersiekte ly. Verdere inligting is op hul webtuistes beskikbaar.

Ten slotte is ons dankbaar dat omstandighede ons in staat gestel het om ons sosiale geleenthede te hervat binne die beperkings van COVID-19-protokol. Bladsy 2 van hierdie nuusbrief bevat ʼn fotobeeld van onlangse aktiwiteite. Ons is in ons noppies dat baie nuwe inwoners daaraan deelneem. Dankie vir u betrokkenheid.